Important Dates (Now Extended!)

Paper abstracts: April 2, 2017
Paper submission: April 16, 2017
Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2017
Camera-ready papers: June 12, 2017
Conference: August 8-11, 2017

Paper Submission

Accepted papers will be published by Springer as part of their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Electronic paper submissions are accepted in two categories: full papers and work in progress papers. Full papers have a length of up to 16 pages while work in progress papers have a maximum length of 8 pages, both of them following the Springer LNCS format. Both full and work-in-progress papers appear in the proceedings.

We use a double-blind reviewing process. Please do not include the author’s name and affiliation or any other type of information that may disclose the authors in the submitted paper itself. As a result of the reviewing process, the Program Committee may suggest changes in the format and/or the contents of the paper, including the category of the paper. In this case, a paper will be conditionally accepted. The Program Committee Chairs will decide on the final acceptance or rejection based on a second analysis of the revised paper.

Springer LNCS templates are available and should be used for submitted and camera ready papers: (

The papers should be submitted using the EasyChair submission site.

Submission Site

Papers should be submitted in PDF using the EasyChair system: (link coming soon).

Journal Special Issue

The authors of the best papers presented at the Conference will be invited to submit extended versions a journal special issue.